HOW I STYLE THE SHORT TRENCH COAT #2/#iwillwearwhatilike link-up

I promised yo another outfitt with yesterdays little trench coat and here it is.

I adore wide pants and short jackets, it is something 1940`s about it and I must admit the 40`s is my favourite fashion decade, nothing else was good about that decade, but the fashion...WOW, I say...

Jeg tenker at når buksen er vid, jakken er vid, da kliner vi til med en vid topp også siden vi allerede er i gang. Og ettersom jeg får vibber til 40-tallet av dette antrekket så legger jeg til en Panama-hatt for å fullføre stilen.

Because I have added a hat to the outfit I don`t use any accesories, a hat is so much to an outfit that I don`t find it necessary.

Pants - Monki
Top and jacket - Lindex
Bag - Louis Vuitton
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HOW I STYLE THE SHORT TRENCH COAT #1/#iwillwearwhatilike link-up

I am so sorry for being such a bad blogger!

This is the consequence of having a dayjob. My blogging will always be up and down due to my paid job. Hopefully it will be more up than down for a while.

I have a whislist with five or six items I really want and a trench coat from Burberry is one of them. But for now this little thing has to do. 

Med min kroppsfasong bør jeg kanskje styre unna denne lengden på jakker, men det er noe med denne søte jakken som gjør at jeg bruker den igjen og igjen. Og jeg føler meg veldig vel i den og da er det viktigste dekket, spør du meg. Det å føle seg vel er jo grunnen til min moteinteresse i utgangspunktet.
The peplum blouse is another item that I really like, even if it is not the easiest item to wear. I like to show all the peplum when I first wear it, so to pair it with this jacket is a good idea I think. 
Når antrekket er så enkelt og fargene så rene som i dag, synes jeg det er på sin plass med et litt større kjede.
I read somewhere that skinny jeans now is a fashion no-no, oh well..., over-knees boots on a +40 woman is probably also a fashion no-no, therefore I wear both just to emphasize that I really don`t care about fashion no-no`s.
Jeg tror faktisk jeg skal finne på noe morsomt med denne lille trench coaten i morgen også, bare for å vise flere stylinger med samme plagg.
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Som nevnt i går var denne t-skjorten et av utgangspunktene for antrekkene mine denne uken og det var rett og slett på grunn av neglelakken jeg har på akkurat nå.

I wore orange last week as well, it is one of my favourite colours and as spring is upon us it is a natural choice for me.

Den beige fargen på skjørtet og cardiganen roer den orange t-skjorten.
I like the short sleeves on the cardigan, it is nice to show as much of the t-shirt as possible when its colour is so beautiful.

The shoes have been with me for many years and I adore them. I think they get more beautiful the more I use them. The stole is on because the winter is not quite over in Norway yet, and I like the ladylike feeling it brings to the outfit.

Skirt - Lene V
T-shirt - Monki
Cardigan - Kookai
Stole - H&M
Shose and bag - ASOS
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Sunday People #1

Den andre faste spalten er "Sunday People", navnet låner jeg av et av mine favorittband, The Monroes. Sunday People var deres største hit fra albumet med samme navn utgitt i 1983. Fremdeles noen som fremdeles lurer på hvorfor jeg er en +40 blogger...?

"Sunday People" will be about everything and nothing, sometimes about fashion and sometimes not about fashion. It do happen things in my life that is non-fashion or non-hockey related, believe it or not.

Jeg starter med hvordan jeg planlegger den kommende ukens antrekk hver søndag.

I think maybe I am a nerd, I spend parts of my sundays planning the following week outfits. Not just: maybe this dress on monday or maybe this jacket on friday. Oh no, down to every little detail is planned, bags, shoes, accesories and all the way down to which lipstick to wear with each outfit, actually. And  I love doing it, because this is what I love, putting outfits together, matching colours, finding items I can use together, when I do this, especially if I`m home alone, the hours just pass without me noticing at all. So being a fashion-nerd suits me just fine.

I start with five items, one for each day, then I build an outfit one by one. Those five items can pop out of my head at any time, so I always have a notebook in my handbag.

  1. Monday: the orange longsleeved T-shirt.
  2. Tuesday: the patterned jacket
  3. Wednesday: the brown skirt
  4. Thursday: the green necklace
  5. Friday: the purple skirt
And then after 10 minutes or after four hours, I have five outfits for the coming week, and I rarely change anything about them once I have desided.






And I am proud to say: Hello, my name is Tone and I am a fashion-nerd!!!

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Beauty and the Beast #1

Jeg blogger i ukedagene for det er da jeg kler meg i noe som er verdt å blogge om. Helgene våre er hektiske med to hockeyspiller og en hockeytrener i familien. Jeg pleier å fleipe om at vi kan stryke helgene fra august til mars av kalenderen, og det er jammen meg ikke langt fra sannheten, heller. Men nå er vi i april og hockeysesongen er på hell og jeg synes det er så sinnsykt gøy å blogge at jeg denne helgen skal introdusere to nye, faste innlegg her på "Fashion my way by Tone". Lørdagene blir forbeholdt skjønnhet og slike viktige ting og alt er basert på "my way".

I`m not much of a beauty-geek, but I do keep up somehow. I have my favourites that I always get back to, more about that next week. Today is about the Glossybox!

For NOK 179,- each month a box like this drops down my mailbox. It contains delicately wrapped products,

in a girly pink box.

How cute is the colour of the box?!?

Always with a nice note that describes the content.

It contains different products each month and always something I have the use for. The products can be for body, hair, face or make-up. Sometimes products in full size, sometimes samples. I have been introduced for some exciting brands through Glossybox.

 Denne måneden var det fokus på tannpleie med en tannbørste, tannpasta og whiteningpenn, jeg har brukt det i noen dager allerede og det er ut som pennen fungerer veldig bra.

Mascara og lash-curler. Det er alltid spennende å prøve nye mascaraer, men jeg er veldig kresen og finner sjelden noen som når opp til mine forventninger.

En mineral shampo som jeg gleder meg til å prøve, jeg har prøvd andre produkter fra minus 417, og synes de har vært veldig bra.

Sminkebørste med skrå vinkel til rouge, highlighter og bronzer. Jeg bruker lite av den typen produkter, men kan fort bytte ut foundation med solpudder på sommeren og da tenker jeg denne er fin til påføring.

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HOW I STYLE A LITTLE ORANGE JACKET/#iwillwearwhatilike link-up - Anything Goes

For et par uker siden tok jeg turen innom super-bloggerens bakgårdssalg i Oslo sentrum. Der kjøpte jeg denne søte, lille jakken av denne flinke bloggeren!

I can`t begin to tell you how much I love the colour. The jacket is kinda preppy on it`s own so I styled it with a pair of boyfriend-jeans and a basic t-shirt. I thought about wearing it with a black skirt, but that will have to be next time. I like to wear accessories when the rest of the outfit is clean in colour and cut and this necklace is so great.

My workweek is almost over, but I have already started to plan next week outfits in my head, that is how I spend my sundays, putting out outfits for the coming week. Yes, I`m a fashion-nerd who is in a hurry every morning so the sunday planing is my lifesaver. More about that in the new series on my blog, "Sunday People" starting on....right, on sunday....
And tomorrow I will start another new series on my blog; Beauty and the Beast, (in lack of a better expression)

Jacket - Baum und Pferdgarten
T-shirt - Monki
Pants and necklace - H&M
Boots - Anna Field
Clutch - market in Spain

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