#iwillwearwhatilike - link-up - VINTAGE - Part 2

I found this dress on an online market, went down town and met a sweet girl from Iceland who was selling off her vintage-dresses due to her moving back home..... to Iceland.

This is truly a all year dress, in winter with a pantyhose and shoes that can handle the snow. In summer with bare legs and open toe sandals.
I like the burgundy colour in the pattern and almost always ends up with using that colour to style it.
Jeg elsker lengden, legget foran og at det er strikk i livet. Strikken i livet gjør det vanskelig å bruke kjolen med belte, men jeg synes kjolen er såpass mye i seg selv at det ikke trengs å bruke belte. Dessuten har den en fantastisk passform. Som jeg nevnte i går, dette er en av de kjolene man skulle trodd var sydd til meg.
I found the clutch at a flee-market, I am not sure if it is vintage, but at least it is secondhand.
The shoes were screaming my name as I tried to walk by, a bargain at NOK 49,-!!!

Dress - Vintage
Clutch - Secondhand
Shoes - XIT
Vi snakkes!
Talk to you later!
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