Gray Stars and a Pleated Skirt

Skirt over a dress can also work, the pattern bonanza continues with #iwillwearwhatilike

I`m becoming a fan of using items in a different way than I normally do. Like a skirt together with a dress or a sweater over a dress (until recently I would rather have worn a cardigan or a jacket) I find that I can use my summer wardrobe all year.


The dress/tunic I am wearing today is a typical spring/summer item in my country, but adding a longer skirt and a scarf....Voila! Usable in winter as well, especially when Oslo woke up to more snow...not happy with that...

My inspiration this week patterns, thanks to the lovely Catherine, patterns is, as mentioned, her link up this week.

Dress/Tunic - BZR
Skirt - Zara
Clutch - Monki
Boots - Tiger of Sweden
Belt/Scarf - have no idea, very old
Vi snakkes!
Talk to you later!
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